Saturday, April 14, 2007

Top 10 Most Influential Christians (to us)

Lately we have been reading various articles on the most influential Christian leaders in America. These lists have included an assortment of personalities ranging from mega-church pastors, charismatic women, best-selling authors and even congressman. We feel these lists, and most of the people on them, focus mainly on worldly numbers and the wisdom of man, but sadly they lack a solid Biblical foundation or conviction. We feel these lists and many of the "leaders" are actually harmful to the Christian church no matter how influential they are.
So, we decided to make our own list of leaders that have impacted our lives and ministry. The main criteria is that they are faithful to the Word of God without compromise.

1. John Piper: he has had the greatest impact on our lives and ministry.

2. Derek Webb: his music is not only great art but biblical, convicting and thought provoking.

3. Elisabeth Elliot: she has modeled and promoted what a biblical woman is supposed to be.

4. Wayne Grudem: he has challenged us theologically with his unparalleled work Systematic Theology.

5. Louie Giglio: through Passion Ministries he has brought an entire generation to buck the American Dream and embrace biblical suffering.

6. Mark Dever: his thoughts on church philosophy have made us reexamine our own philosophy.

7. C.J. Mahaney: reformed and charismatic, what's not to love!

8. Voddie Baucham: he's biblical, passionate and calling for reform in the American church.

9. John Macarthur: he has promoted expository biblical preaching worldwide and has been one of the only ones to stand strong against the secular media.

10. Nancy Leigh Demoss: has led a biblical women's ministry and impacted women nationwide.

1 comment:

Fuzface said...

That's a good idea, I should make a list like that too!