Sunday, April 15, 2007

a night with a theologian

We were blessed to have Dr. Steve Lawson come and speak at our church tonight. He spoke on Nehemiah 8 and made a passionate plea for a reformation among Evangelicals by returning to the centrality of the Word. We agree wholeheartedly. We hope and pray to find more preachers like Dr. Lawson who will be unapologetic and unwavering in their convictions.

It is especially poignant given our current surroundings. We moved to the metro-Boston area and are surrounded by the legacy of the Great Awakening. But sadly, a drive through our surrounding area will reveal a beautiful skyline of steeples and crosses that today are nothing more than white-washed tombs where death reigns inside. These churches have some of the best architecture and history, but their pulpits are bland and distasteful. We do not need beautiful buildings; we need the Word of God alive in his believers.

We are thankful that there is still a remnant in New England who are faithful to preaching the Word of God. However, we do not want to be satisfied with this alone, we want to see more rise up and cry, "Bring the Book!" As Dr. Lawson so accurately pointed out, we do not need preachers that sound perfect and seem "relevant," but instead we need preachers that bring the Word SO THAT conviction will fall on the people. This is what American churches really need. Dr. Lawson said " the Word of God is a mirror." This mirror shows us our depravity and exalts God. As conviction happens in our hearts, we will see a passion for God spread among our congregations, and to our nation and eventually to the ends of the earth.

We want to end here the same way Dr. Lawson did. This not merely a good theological idea or doctrinal distinctive, but this is something that must be put into practice. We are so thankful to be a part of a church that faithfully preaches the Word without compromise. Will you stand up in the midst of your church and cry, with those of Nehemiah's day, "Bring the Book?"

For more info on Dr. Steve Lawson check out

1 comment:

lobsterseed said...

Dr. Lawsson was unbelievable. I have never heard anyone preach like him before and everything he said was true. Mass is where the Great Awakening took place but the people living here now seem to not care at all about God and his amazing Word.