Thursday, July 17, 2008

The New Blog

My husband has since started a new blog with his ministry website:

so go there and check out what he has to say. his words and thoughts are much deeper and more enjoyable than mine :)

But you can check back from time to time to see what my latest rant is......

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Why I love the Church

I was talking to my husband the other day about how great this past year was for us. Some of our friends had said to us just two weeks earlier that we must have been discouraged last year because it seemed hard for us. Nick and I were quick to respond and say that this year at FBC Weymouth might have been one of our best years yet.
How could that be, one might ask with all the struggles we have had? Well, the first year at a new church is hard. Nick had to cast his vision for ministry and pray a lot, we moved 1200 miles with a 2 month old baby, and to top it all off we got pregnant after only 4 months of being here. WOW! Nonetheless, we know we are at the center of God's will for our lives.

How? looking back we see growth:

First, in us. We see maturity in us becoming mommy and daddy. We are learning how to love and nurture our little ones. Therefore we are able to empathize with parents and understand the task God has given them.
We are also experiencing radical commitment to a vision and a ministry. We are excited to move forward and recognize that any resistance or criticism is just Satan attacking. We have become sensitive to and felt a love for our home church. Once you really understand all Christ did, you have to love His Church. We are His body.
Second, in the church. Many of our students were challenged this year. They were faced with drastic changes and a good group of students trusted. They trusted that God called us here to equip them. This shows commitment and submission.
Also, we have seen students grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and also in their walk with him. It has been so encouraging to see fruit blossom in the lives of these young people.

Overall, we have had a challenging year, but i think that is what we have come to expect. Ministry is a rewarding and great vocation. However, it doesn't come with out heartache and pain, but does anything that is really great?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Learning from Piper

Often you can hear us quote John Piper. We love his ministry and support his vision. So, I wanted to pass along an article that was posted on one of my favorite blogs.
So take some time and read Why I Listen To John Piper.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Elisabeth Christine

She's here! Ellie was born at 12:29 am on January 24th. She was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 20 in. long. Both mom and baby are doing great. Lord willing, we will be home on Saturday.